
On-screen prompts within the app guide

Setting up the Q ray ban sunglasses best for men is surprisingly simple. The HDMI cable, included, is all you’ll need to get connected to your television. Tech-savvy or not, most anyone should be able to get the device hooked up in just a few minutes. The remainder of the set-up is done from your Android device using a special Nexus Q app, available at the Play Store or by tapping your phone on the Q to have it sent via NFC. On-screen prompts within the app guide you ray ban wayfarer through connecting your phone or tablet to the Q via Bluetooth, and inputting information about your Wi-Fi network so the Q knows where to connect. You also identify what room of your home the Q you’re setting up is going to be positioned. You could have a Q set up with speakers in every room of your home and control all your Qs from the same device. If you don’t have Wi-Fi – or live somewhere where there’s a ton of networks to choose from — the Q can also be connected to the web with ray ban sunglasses popular for women an ethernet cable.

